Case library
Cases of alcohol industry misconduct from around the world exposing the predatory practices.
A library of all the unethical methods of Big Alcohol – aggressive lobbying, unethical marketing, sabotaging of rules and institutions and much more, all in one place.
Embracing the Non-Traditional: Alcohol Advertising on TikTok
The researchers have focused on TikTok because of the asymmetry between the number of users it has and the amount of research done on how ...
Exposed: Predatory Alcohol Industry Practices on Tiktok
A survey conducted by journalists at the research site Pointer found that the Tiktok feed a 13-year-old Dutch boy scrolled through for an ...
Netherlands: Big Alcohol Floods TikTok With Alcohol Promotions to Teens
Journalists of Pointer created a fake TikTok account for a 13 year old Dutch teenager and found it to be flooded with alcohol promotions. ...
Alcohol Giant Pernod Ricard Accused of Hidden Marketing in TikTok, Instagram
Two social media accounts on TikTok and Instagram under one and the same username are promoting Pernod Ricard products. The content is ...
Social Media and Alcohol Harm: Troubling Depictions of Underage Alcohol Use on TikTok
A recent study published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs found that the majority of the videos using the hashtag #alcohol on ...