Case library

Cases of alcohol industry misconduct from around the world exposing the predatory practices.

A library of all the unethical methods of Big Alcohol – aggressive lobbying, unethical marketing, sabotaging of rules and institutions and much more, all in one place.

USA: Alcohol is a Rising Women’s Health Issue

In the United States alcohol is becoming a serious women’s health issue. The surge in alcohol problems among women is proving fatal ...

Big Alcohol’s Fundamental Conflict of Interest

Increased alcohol consumption leads to increased negative health and development impacts, but also to increased sales for the alcohol ...

Massachusetts, USA: Plan for More Alcohol Outlets

A ballot initiative in Massachusetts, USA is set to lead to an increasing of outlets which can sell alcohol. The effect of the new ballot ...

Youth Exposure to Alcohol Advertising in the United States

Both underage viewers and young adults switched channels during alcohol advertisements. Using commercial ratings rather than program ...

WHO: Countries Request Accelerated Action on Alcohol

A decision unanimously adopted at the World Health Organization’s Executive Board meeting calls the global alcohol burden a ...

Anchorage, USA: Benefits of Local Alcohol Tax

Assembly members of Anchorage, a municipality of Alaska, USA are preparing to vote on two local alcohol tax proposals for the ballot of the ...

USA: Alcohol Deaths (in Women) Rise Sharply

Alcohol deaths rise sharply in the United States, specifically among women. Factors that play into this development are deregulation of ...

USA: Congress Extends Big Alcohol’s Tax Break

The United States Congress extends the major tax break for the alcohol industry, losing billions of dollars in government revenue and ...

The Impact of Preferential Trade Agreements on Alcohol Imports from Australia in Partner Countries

Preferential trade agreements involving Australia have been positively associated with alcohol imports from Australia in countries with low ...

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