Case library

Cases of alcohol industry misconduct from around the world exposing the predatory practices.

A library of all the unethical methods of Big Alcohol – aggressive lobbying, unethical marketing, sabotaging of rules and institutions and much more, all in one place.

Big Alcohol Exploits Young Women: Sharp Rise in Alcoholic Liver Disease

Alcoholic liver diseases have increased by 30% according to the University of Michigan health system. Women and young people – ...

Massachusetts, USA: Online Alcohol Deliveries Soared During Pandemic

Online alcohol deliveries in Massachusetts, United States (U.S.) increased sharply during the pandemic. The trend coincides with increased ...

Oregon, USA: Communities Campaign for Alcohol Tax Increase but Big Alcohol Opposes

A bill called the Addiction Crisis Recovery Act, currently before the Oregon Legislature, aims to raise funds for addiction treatment ...

Big Alcohol Exposed: Pepsi Co Set to Exploit Alcohol-At-Home Consumption with New Mixer

Pepsi Co is exploiting the increasing at-home alcohol use trend during the pandemic. A new line of cocktail mixers was launched by the ...

Guam, USA: Alcohol Industry’s Tax Scheme Exposed

Recently a local resident of Guam, John Ryan, filed civil lawsuits against three local companies who import alcohol to Guam under claims ...

Alcohol Anytime, Anywhere: Drizly’s Role for Big Alcohol

Since the beginning of the pandemic one major Big Alcohol strategy to advance their own private profit interests was alcohol delivery and ...

USA and COVID-19: Big Alcohol Fuels Rise in Alcohol Liver Disease

Big Alcohol Is fueling a rise in alcohol-related liver disease in the USA amidst the coronavirus pandemic. An increasing number of younger ...

American Institute for Cancer Research: New Dietary Guidelines Ignore Critical Evidence on Alcohol and Cancer

The American Institute for Cancer Research criticizes a glaring gap in the new dietary guidelines which have ignored critical evidence on ...

Maryland, USA: Big Alcohol Opposes One-Cent Alcohol Tax Increase

A tiny alcohol tax increase is part of a larger effort to boost healthcare in under-served communities in the state of Maryland. The ...

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