Big Alcohol Bets on Free Beer After COVID-19 Lockdowns

Posted on June 20, 2020 in AB InBev, Carlsberg, Heineken, Africa, Asia-Pacific, Belgium, Eastern Mediterranean, Europe, Hongkong, The Americas

Big Alcohol’s latest strategies to protect and promote their profits include schemes of pre-bought beer and free beer vouchers as bars and restaurants open across Europe and around the world after COVID-19 lockdowns. Big Alcohol has started offering various schemes to pull back people into buying alcohol from bars and restaurants. These include pre-paid beer and free beer schemes…

AB InBev, Affordability, Alcohol Harm, alcohol marketing, Alcohol Use Disorder, Availability, Big Alcohol, BigAlcoholExposed, Binge Alcohol Use, Carlsberg, COVID-19, Evidence, Heineken, News, Public Health
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