Week #26 Global Alcohol Policy Round-Up

Posted on July 01, 2019 in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Eastern Mediterranean, Estonia, Europe, Finland, Latvia, The Americas, United Kingdom, United States of America, Zimbabwe

Welcome to another week of carefully curated alcohol policy news, latest science updates, exposing Big Alcohol, and a new blog post from our global voices.
For week 26, our Global Alcohol Policy Round-Up contains:
Alcohol policy updates come from Zimbabwe, the UK, the United States, Ireland and Northern Europe and cover road safety issues, economic harm, alcohol and cancer, minimum unit pricing and alcohol taxation issues.
Fresh science updates explores alcohol’s effects on agency, a content analysis of alcohol being depicted TV, and the role of students’ assumptions about their peers’ alcohol use for their own alcohol consumption.
Our Big Alcohol monitor exposes alcohol industry lobbying for massive deregulation in the United States, a troubled partnership of DryJuly with Big Alcohol and Major League Soccer opening the floodgates for alcohol promotions.
From our Global Voices Blog Portal, Viktor makes the case for why we need a new public health agenda…

3 Best Buys, Affordability, Agenda2030, Alcohol Free Environment, Alcohol Harm, Alcohol Industry Lobbyism, alcohol marketing, Alcohol Policy, Alcohol Taxation, Availability, Big Alcohol, BigAlcoholExposed, DryJuly, Economic Costs, Economic Harm, Evidence, Football, IAS, IOGT, MUP, News, Productivity, Public Health, Report, Road Safety, SDGs, Sports, Workplace
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