Big Alcohol and the Importance of Corporate Literacy in the 21st Century

Posted on June 18, 2019 in Africa, Africa, Africa, Africa, Africa, Africa

An interview with IOGT International on Santa Fe Public Radio discusses the nine myths of the alcohol industry and how to immunize and protect people and communities from alcohol promotions.
They look at the influence of big industry on the larger culture that includes examining advertising that creates what they call an “alcohol norm” and targets children, to uncovering front lobbying groups that appear as “advocacy groups” on behalf of the consumer, yet are driven by industry incentives and funding…

3 Best Buys, Addiction, Affordability, Alcohol Free Environment, Alcohol Harm, Alcohol Industry Lobbyism, Alcohol Policy, Alcohol Taxation, Alcohol Use Disorder, Big Alcohol, BigAlcoholExposed, Evidence, IOGT, News
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