Week #27 Global Alcohol Policy Round-Up

Posted on July 06, 2019 in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Australia, Eastern Mediterranean, Europe, India, Sri Lanka, The Americas, United Kingdom, United States of America

Welcome to another week of carefully curated alcohol policy news, latest science updates, and more Big Alcohol revelations.
Special Feature:
A brand new World Bank Group report highlights the importance of and evidence for the role of alcohol taxation to help achieve Universal Health Coverage.
For week 27, our Global Alcohol Policy Round-Up contains:
Alcohol policy updates come from India (concerning news), the United States (bad news) and Sri Lanka (encouraging news) and a story involving the rapper Snoop Dog.
Fresh science updates are from the United States (extent of alcohol’s harm to others) and from the UK (burden of alcohol on health services).
Our Big Alcohol monitor exposes Coca Cola’s push into Big Alcohol, AB InBev’s tax avoidance in India and how trouble with its alcohol business compels Woolworths in Australia to get rid of the alcohol business…

3 Best Buys, Addiction, Affordability, Agenda2030, Alcohol Free Environment, Alcohol Harm, Alcohol Industry Lobbyism, alcohol marketing, Alcohol Policy, Alcohol Taxation, Alcohol Use Disorder, Availability, Big Alcohol, BigAlcoholExposed, Evidence, IOGT, News, Public Health, SDGs, Stigma, Universal Health Coverage
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