Week #48 Global Alcohol Policy Round-Up

Posted on November 27, 2019 in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Canada, Czech Republic, Eastern Mediterranean, Europe, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, The Americas

The week 48 Global Alcohol Policy Round-Up contains alcohol policy updates about alcohol policy in the Visegrad 4, Norway’s new development strategy, a new WHO report on alcohol’s harm to others, alcohol smuggling between Germany and Sweden, new OECD data about levels of health spending, and Switzerland where binge alcohol use is a rising problem.
Fresh science updates are about: Predictions on alcohol use from age of initiation, and about life expectancy and disease burden in the Nordic countries.
The Big Alcohol monitor exposes: President Macron standing with Big Alcohol, blocking Dry January; and how Big Alcohol ads expenditure fuels underage alcohol use, as well as Uber fueling heavy alcohol consumption.
In the upcoming events alert we highlight: GAPC 2020, and summerLEAHP 2020…

3 Best Buys, Alcohol Harm, Alcohol Industry Lobbyism, alcohol marketing, Alcohol Policy, Alcohol Violence, BigAlcoholExposed, Binge Alcohol Use, Economic Costs, Evidence, IOGT, NCDs, News, OECD, Public Health, Report, WHO
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