USA: Big Alcohol Uses COVID-19 to Change Alcohol Laws

Posted on April 24, 2020 in The Americas, United States of America

The Novel Coronavirus public health crisis is leading to quick changes to state alcohol laws across the United States. The alcohol industry has been swift and aggressive in pushing for the weakening of alcohol laws. This comes at a moment when COVID-19 and the alcohol harm epidemic are brewing a perfect storm of violence, injury and trauma, fueled by soaring online alcohol sales during the country’s lockdown, and exerting a heavy toll on the emergency care system that is already on the brink. Nevertheless, lawmakers and governors are weakening alcohol laws, protecting the interests of Big Alcohol…

Addiction, Alcohol Harm, Alcohol Industry Lobbyism, Alcohol Policy, Alcohol Taxation, Alcohol Use Disorder, Alcohol Violence, Big Alcohol, BigAlcoholExposed, COVID-19, Economic Costs, Evidence, News, Public Health
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