Case library
Cases of alcohol industry misconduct from around the world exposing the predatory practices.
A library of all the unethical methods of Big Alcohol – aggressive lobbying, unethical marketing, sabotaging of rules and institutions and much more, all in one place.

Heineken in Sri Lanka – Undermining Alcohol Taxes to Protect Profits
At a panel discussion in Sri Lanka, Heineken Lanka repeated a familiar Big Alcohol tactic: claiming that higher alcohol taxes fuel illicit ...

Alcohol Industry Frontgroup FISAC Undermines Public Health with Misleading Narratives
The Foundation of Social Investigations A.C. (FISAC) in Mexico presents itself as a civil society organization dedicated to alcohol ...

Heineken’s Salvador Campaign: Misleading Messaging for Younger Demographics
The concept of “responsible consumption” has long been a tool for Big Alcohol to deflect accountability for the harm caused by their ...