Case library

Cases of alcohol industry misconduct from around the world exposing the predatory practices.

A library of all the unethical methods of Big Alcohol – aggressive lobbying, unethical marketing, sabotaging of rules and institutions and much more, all in one place.

Alcohol Cancer Warning Labeling Recommended for Norway, After Health Directorate Investigation

The Norwegian Directorate of Health is recommending labeling alcoholic products with a health warning, especially concerning cancer and ...

Special Feature: Alcohol and Cardiovascular Disease – the Scientific State of the Art

The evidence is growing stronger and stronger, showing that any amount of alcohol use is bad for cardiovascular health. Even low dose ...

No Amount of Alcohol is Good for the Heart, Says World Heart Federation

In their latest policy brief, the World Heart Foundation (WHF) establishes the evidence base that no amount of alcohol is good for the ...

Study: Alcohol Industry Funding Distorts Findings About Alcohol and Heart Disease

Given the new and growing scientific evidence proving alcohol’s negative effects on cardiovascular health, it is important to find ...

Alcohol, Cardiovascular Disease and Industry Funding

This research analysis found that, systematic reviews undertaken by authors with histories of alcohol industry funding were more likely to ...

USA: Progress on Alcohol in ‘Dietary Guidelines’

The Dietary Guidelines Advisory (DGA) Committee of the United States forecast changes to advice given on alcohol in their dietary ...

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