Studying Tobacco, Alcohol and Gambling Industry Donations to Australian Political Parties

Posted on November 25, 2018 in Asia-Pacific, Australia

Australian political parties declared donations of A$14 million (US$11 M) from tobacco ($1.9 M), alcohol ($7.7 M), gambling ($2.9 M) and supermarket ($1.7 M) entities, excluding donations below the $12 800 reporting threshold.
Donations to the governing party increased substantially during debates about an alcohol tax and gambling law reform. Alcohol industry donations to major parties spiked ahead of elections.
The alcohol and gambling industries make substantial donations to influence particular decisions in the short term and build relationships over the long term. Banning corporate donations and publicly funding political parties warrant consideration to safeguard the integrity of public policy‐making…

Alcohol Harm, Alcohol Industry Lobbyism, Alcohol Policy, Alcohol Taxation, Big Alcohol, Big Tobacco, BigAlcoholExposed, Evidence, Gambling, Report, Science
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