Growing Attention for (Alcohol) Taxation

Posted on January 22, 2020 in AB InBev, Heineken, Africa, Asia-Pacific, Bhutan, Eastern Mediterranean, Europe, Kenya, South Africa, The Americas, United Kingdom

There is a growing attention for alcohol taxation with increasing evidence showing the effectiveness of alcohol taxes to not only reduce alcohol harm but boost revenue and fund development. Across the globe countries and international bodies such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are understanding the need to use taxation for domestic resource mobilization…

3 Best Buys, 4WHO, AB InBev, Affordability, Alcohol Harm, Alcohol Policy, Alcohol Taxation, Big Alcohol, BigAlcoholExposed, Diageo, Evidence, Heineken, IMF, Movendi, News, Public Health, STAX, Tax Avoidance, Tax Scheme, UNDP, WHO
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