Evaluation Of Research On WHO ‘Best Buys’ NCDs Interventions

Posted on February 19, 2018 in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe, The Americas

The researchers found studies on only 11 of the 24 interventions aligned with the WHO ‘best buys’ from LLMIC settings. Most LLMICs have not conducted research on these interventions in their populations.LLMICs are increasingly being targeted by alcohol companies, and aggressive marketing strategies have been reported in Gambia, Ghana, Nigeria and Uganda. Effective alcohol harm reduction polices are urgently needed in these settings, including policies that target informally retailed products.LLMICs should take action to implement and evaluate ‘best buys’ in their national context, based on national priorities, and starting with interventions with the strongest evidence base…

3 Best Buys, Alcohol Free Environment, Alcohol Harm, alcohol marketing, Alcohol Policy, Availability, Big Alcohol, BigAlcoholExposed, Evidence, NCDs, News, Public Health, Report, WHO
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