Estonia Advances SDG Achievement by Tackling Alcohol Consumption

Posted on May 12, 2020 in Estonia, Europe

Estonia has suffered greatly from alcohol-related harm.
By implementing a comprehensive evidence-based alcohol policy, Estonia has reduced alcohol consumption by one-third over the last decade. As a result, alcohol-related morbidity and mortality have decreased and the health gap between different population groups has narrowed.

Estonia’s alcohol policy is directly linked to implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 3, and specifically target 3.5. Since alcohol-related deaths and health problems are more pronounced at the lower end of the social gradient, reducing alcohol harm will also contribute to achieving SDG 10 to ‘reduce inequality within and among countries’…

3 Best Buys, Affordability, Agenda2030, Alcohol Harm, alcohol marketing, Alcohol Policy, Alcohol Taxation, Availability, Binge Alcohol Use, Evidence, Mental Health, News, Public Health, SDGs, Sustainability, WHO
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