Big Alcohol in Mexico

How Do Countries Inform Their People That Alcohol Causes Cancer?
This article explores how countries are addressing cancer risks due to alcohol by highlighting effective strategies and the challenges they ...

Beer at What Cost? How Heineken and AB InBev Exploit Mexican Communities
The brewing giants Heineken and Grupo Modelo (controlled by AB InBev) are driving down barley prices for farmers in Mexico’s Altiplano ...

Alcohol Industry Frontgroup FISAC Undermines Public Health with Misleading Narratives
The Foundation of Social Investigations A.C. (FISAC) in Mexico presents itself as a civil society organization dedicated to alcohol ...

Diageo’s Alcohol Chocolates in Mexico: Irresponsible Marketing in the Candy Aisle
In a concerning example of potentially irresponsible marketing, Diageo, the parent company of Johnnie Walker, and chocolate producer Turin ...

Submitted case: Exposing the Conflict of Interest in Alcohol Industry-Funded Science
The involvement of alcohol companies such as AB InBev in funding scientific research is a troubling practice that compromises public health ...

Constellation Brands Buys Influence in Mexico with Billion Dollar Investment
Constellation Brands’ $1.6 billion investment in Veracruz, framed as a major economic win, raises serious concerns about the company’s ...
Whisky brands are very reliant on a small number of heavy, and increasingly ageing, consumers, to provide the majority of volume [...] in the longer term we had to attract more younger drinkers—the heavy- using loyalists of tomorrow [to avoid] the potentially disastrous implications of losing heavy drinkers”.
“If Miller Lite was to be a large profitable brand we had to attract these young heavy drinkers”.
To the extent [that laws or regulations or actions against us to substantially curtail the consumption of alcohol, including beer] gain traction, they could have a material adverse effect on our business and financial results. For example, the European Union published its Europe Beating Cancer Plan. As part of the plan, by the end of 2023, the European Union has indicated it will issue a proposal for mandatory health warnings on alcohol beverage product labels."
Source: Molson Coors Annual Report 2022