Case library
Cases of alcohol industry misconduct from around the world exposing the predatory practices.
A library of all the unethical methods of Big Alcohol – aggressive lobbying, unethical marketing, sabotaging of rules and institutions and much more, all in one place.

Alcohol Industry Frontgroup FISAC Undermines Public Health with Misleading Narratives
The Foundation of Social Investigations A.C. (FISAC) in Mexico presents itself as a civil society organization dedicated to alcohol ...

Big Alcohol’s Campaign Against Chicago’s Alcohol Tax: Protecting Profits and Misleading Policymakers
The recent pushback from the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States (DISCUS) against a proposed spirits tax hike in Chicago ...

Health-Washing in Plain Sight: Exposing the Misleading Philippines Standards Coalition
A new initiative, the Philippines Standards Coalition, has launched to address what it calls “harmful alcohol use.” Backed by global ...

Alcohol Industry’s Focus on Illicit Products Masks the Risks of Legal Alcohol
Global liquor companies are intensifying their campaign against illicit alcohol in the Philippines, citing health risks. The Alliance ...

Exposing Big Alcohol’s Dangerous Promotion of the J-curve Myth
Drinkwise Sweden is promoting the misleading J-curve argument, which suggests moderate alcohol use may offer health benefits, particularly ...

Coca-Cola’s New Alcoholic Beverage: Blurring the Lines Between Soft Drinks and Risk
Coca-Cola and Bacardi’s recent announcement to launch a ready-to-drink (RTD) alcoholic product in 2025 is deeply concerning, especially ...

Canada: Big Alcohol Derailed Planned Alcohol Tax Increase While New Report Details High Alcohol Harm and Economic Costs
Big Alcohol managed to pressure the Canadian government into giving up on a much needed alcohol tax increase. The federal alcohol duty was ...

Exposed: Alcohol Companies Among Instagram’s Fastest Growing Brands
Social media has become one of the most popular platforms in alcohol marketing, reaching a large group of people, often minors and young ...

Addictions France Wins Lawsuit Against Meta Over Alcohol Ads
A historic victory against online alcohol sponsorship in France. In early January, the Paris Court ordered the Meta group (parent company ...