Alcohol Industry Frontgroup FISAC Undermines Public Health with Misleading Narratives
Posted on December 12, 2024 in Bacardi, Diageo, Pernod Ricard, Deception, MexicoThe Foundation of Social Investigations A.C. (FISAC) in Mexico presents itself as a civil society organization dedicated to alcohol education and cultural change. However, a closer look at its structure reveals its deep ties to the alcohol industry. FISAC’s “strategic allies” include major global alcohol corporations such as Bacardí, Brown-Forman, Campari, Diageo and Pernod Ricard Mexico.
FISAC’s focus on “responsible consumption” promotes a misleading narrative that shifts the blame for alcohol harm onto individuals. This argument diverts attention from proven public health solutions – such as raising taxes, limiting marketing, and ambitious availability policies – that effectively reduce alcohol-related harm at the population level.
Furthermore, FISAC’s framing of “moderate drinking” as harmless contradicts evidence from global health authorities. The World Health Organization (WHO) clearly states that no level of alcohol consumption is safe. Countries such as Canada, the Netherlands, and Australia have updated their guidelines, recommending zero alcohol for those seeking to protect their health.
Deception is Big Alcohol’s activity to hinder and obscure public recognition of the real effects of alcohol. The focus of the DUBIOUS FIVE strategy of deception is the public’s recognition of the full extent of alcohol harm, the understanding of the risk caused by alcohol products, and the root causes of alcohol harm and their most effective alcohol policy solutions. Using deception strategies Big Alcohol seeks to fuel cognitive dissonance among the public.
• Fundación de Investigaciones Sociales A.C., About FISAC, available at:
• World Health Organization, No Level of Alcohol Consumption Is Safe for Our Health, available at: WHO Europe
• Wikipedia, Alcohol Consumption Recommendations, available at: Wikipedia